Thanks for your interest! I updated the post with the source code for the Go and C versions of the TSP. I was also intrigued by the result I got. I think one of the main reasons is that C is the language I use the most. I added this disclaimer at the conclusion.
It's also important for us to reflect that Go was designed to be simpler, it's not possible to achieve the level of control over threads that C can achieve.
It's also important to say that this article compares the performance of C and Go with a specific algorithm. This is not how performance testing should be conducted. The idea was to create a quick comparison between the two, to motivate further studies. If you're interested, we can discuss working together to see how they do when it comes to readability, speed, ease of learning and more.
I'd like to share with you a more specific study in this area conducted by Skyler Hawthorne of the Computer Science Department at San Jose State University:
He manages to make a better comparison between parallel programming Go and C features.